Do I Get Employment Benefits If I Get Fired?

The answer to this question is complex. The reason is because the officials who evaluate unemployment claims need to investigate the nature of the dismissal. If the findings reveal that you are at fault, then it’s possible you may not receive employment insurance benefits.

So how does the government figure out if you are entitled to receive unemployment benefits?

As outlined on the Government of Canada website, it can be an arduous process. First, an agent assigned to your employment insurance claim will review the details of your dismissal. The agent may contact you for further details about the dismissal from your point of view, but may also require an interview with your former employer as well as other related parties in order to properly assess your claim.

In the end, there are a number of reasons why an employer could have decided to let you with “with cause” and there are a number of reasons why it’s possible the dismissal, while justified, could have occurred (for example, maybe you were unaware of a certain policy or procedure).

If the final outcome results in justification for a “with cause” dismissal, you will likely not receive regular employment benefits. However, you may still qualify for other benefits, such as maternity or compassionate care. In order to receive employment insurance benefits, you will need to have worked for the required number of employable “insured hours”.

If you have been dismissed by your employer with cause, it’s best advised that you consult with an experienced employment lawyer. He or she can evaluate your case and advise you on what your options if your wish to take legal action or what type of compensation you can pursue.

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